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Benefits of Earthing / Grounding

Kailani Wellness

‘Earthing’ and ‘Grounding’ are two names given to therapeutic techniques that connect the body to the natural electrical properties of the earth, whether it be through walking on grass or sand, sitting or lying on the ground, or using earthing products such as earthing mats and earthing sheets.

There are many earthing and grounding benefits that have been reported by those who practice it regularly. These benefits include reduced stress and anxiety, improved sleep quality, reduced inflammation and pain relief. Some earthing and grounding advocates even claim that the technique can help to improve conditions such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

So why does earthing and grounding have these reported health benefits? One theory is that earthing and grounding helps to restore the natural electrical balance of the body which has become disrupted due to modern living. Another theory is that earthing and grounding helps to reduce stress by reducing the amount of positive ions in the body which can lead to feelings of anxiety and fatigue.

‘Earthing’ and ‘Grounding’ are two names given to therapeutic techniques that connect the body to the natural electrical properties of the earth for various health benefits.

Regardless of the exact mechanism, there is no doubt that earthing and grounding can have a positive effect on your health. If you’re looking for a natural way to reduce stress, improve sleep or relieve pain, earthing and grounding may be worth a try.

If you are interested in trying earthing or grounding for yourself, there are a few different ways to get started and a number of earthing and grounding products available on the market, such as earthing mats and earthing sheets, that allow people to reap the benefits of earthing and grounding without having to spend time outside.

If you want to try it, simply just take a walk outside barefoot on grass or sand, sit or lie on the ground, or use earthing products for skin contact with the earth. Remember, earthing and grounding is a completely natural therapy with no side effects, so there’s nothing to lose by giving it a go!

Here at Kailani Wellness, our goal is to help patients suffering from an array of injuries find healing and pain relief through a natural, non-invasive, medication free therapy.

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